
is this how a blog is supposed to be

I was reading a thing today about an artist who caught a sick, stray dog and chained it up in a gallery so people could watch it slowly starve to death. What was excellent about this is that people went absolutely crazy about how it wasn't art and that the guy was inhumane and OMG we should chain him to a wall and watch him starve to death..... which he might not be too adverse to, if he read all of the comments all over the place about it. Did you ever notice how people care more about animals getting hurt and killed than they do about people getting hurt or killed? You would get a stronger reaction from a video of a bunch of dogs being beaten and starved then you would of prisoners being water boarded or children in Africa being starved and killed in a genocide. I'm going to make art where I starve animals with a backdrop of videos of human suffering, just so I can make fun of people pretending to care about all the sorts of things they think they care about.
Wait, I have a better idea now - I will starve animals in a progression, like starting with bugs and spiders and then moving up to mice and rats and so on and so on. People would raise a million dollars to shut me up but will walk right past a homeless man to do it. I like art that kicks your ass, and I will strive to make some of it.

anyway. i would like to have a dog, and not for torturing purposes. i love dogs, equally as much as i love people.

i've been thinking about why i should do artwork anymore, i mean besides the thing inside that beats me if i do not make artwork. what difference do i make, how much of the world can be changed by the things that i do? i don't know if im happy with my 'i'm screwing the man' answer, in which i take money from people who dont deserve it and then get to have it, as another person who does not deserve it. I would give it away (maybe). I like the idea of art as the unifier, bringing people together and changing the way they exist to each other. Like i said, art that kicks your ass. There are only so many things that are important to me

Obcession is not the same thing as love, and love is not the same thing as comfort

this is what i wrote down yesterday, and I wish to expound on it in every direction until i make everyone feel bad. This is a honorable(?) task. Most relationships sit real heavily on one side or the other and something called settling happens. and i'm terrified of it. and not enough people are, too. I am beginning to know that i've never been in real love at all, no matter how much i thought i was, and that if i want to be, i will have to work extremely hard to get there.

Adam and I were talking and the idea of a fourth dimension that is neither love, obcession, or comfort was brought up. I think it was called 'old (or mature) love', and may not, however, exist.

And maybe it's possible that if you're focusing too much on how things are supposed to be, then you lose sight of how wonderful things are in the present. I am so guilty of this. I need to not be able to think my way out of feeling any certain way, and this has proven to be a difficult task. I am hard at work trying to figure myself out, and sit back and know what i really feel about all the things that have happened and deal with them, or at least invent a new way to block them out. I am not nearly finished. Love is not any kind of magic that fixes things - it's completely the opposite. now that i am a walking cliche', i will go to bed.

noone's gonna tell you
you've made it
noone's gonna tell you
you're doing the best that you can
noone's gonna tell you
that you're finally in love at last
so doesn't that mean
that maybe you get to tell yourself?


Matt said...

To be fair, whether by the grace of god or evolution or the flying spaghetti monster, humans have wound up with dominion over the animals. It's one thing to make another human suffer, because, even if it's on a base level that's negated by infinite variables, we're on equal ground. It's another thing to make a lesser creature suffer (and here, most rational people with a conscience would include disadvantaged humans), especially for one's own gain.

Basically, what I'm getting at is that if you can starve it, beat it up, hurt it or kill it, you probably shouldn't.

dave montgomery said...

Yes, you should not. But what is of interest is that some terrible things can be done to help people realize something new in a way that simply telling them would never get through to them. What if it's not for your own gain, but for the gain of humanity as a whole? Who makes you the boss to decide that anyway?
....now we're getting somewhere.
my original comment read,simply - "God did it"
~sips coffee

sasha fletcher said...

i just want to know when people are going to learn that sometimes if you don't give someone the attention they're looking for they'll probably go away.
except for matt.
because i'll never go away.
really we should just make a facebook group about this, and then something truly real and valid and lifechanging will be accomplished.
